Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tour of Rota

We had a terrific time touring Rota Spain today. We went to the Pescaderia (fish market) A is looking at the local snails, Gypsy Market - we bought acietunas con ajo (garlic olives), toured the Castle (the town hall), saw the beach and discotecas in Rota. Look forward to showing all of you the area too. We ate some great sweets and had a traditional lunch, pescadora, arroz, papa fritas y tinto de verano (cheap 3 euros red wine with lemon soda). Yummy. We are on the Spaniards time schedule of eating light breakfast, huge lunch between 2-5 pm and then light dinner, tapas, around 10-11:30 pm As they say when in Rome. We learned about the culture, conquerors and what to say and not to say. Fun and educational. N is debating going to Spanish school in Rota. I think he'd love it and be fluent by next fall. This year would be a challenge. A is only interested in Jams, our local youth hang out, and going to the American DOD school in our housing area, Las Palmeras. I'm including a picture of N with nuestros perros de los gordos, in our backyard. I'll get a picture of Jams and A's school next go around. Don't know what to do with our plain yellow and white house to warm it up. Any suggestions ladies. I'll include a picture of the windows. Our house echoes echoes, tile on floors through out and in bathrooms. Love it though.
Vienen visitar por favor.

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