This town has been here since the Phoenicians! We loved walking around and feeling like we were in a European Villa. The Cathedral, castles, mercados... it was beautiful. Spent the day browsing through narrow streets looking at little market places and shops; practicing our Castillano. We sat at little sidewalk restaurante in the plaza and had churros con chocolate, the chocolate was like Plan B's chocolate gravy and jugo de oranja and cafe. Then for almuerzo we ordered a plate of 12 small sandwiches which were delicious. We had to guess as to what each was. What fun! I really like the tinto de verano... pour some red wine into a glass over ice and add 7up... yummy. I signed up for a "flex partner" - I help her learn English while she will help me learn Spanish. I can't wait. We're improving every day. A is loving it here. Isabel is her newest friend from Jams (the low level building among my pictures). She goes on a field trip tomorrow to the mall in Sevilla with the teens. She is taking her new shades, purse with euros and dialect with her. She's so bold but doesn't know the language at all. A riot! I think she will have a great time living here. We have our last day of ICR classes to help us to understand our move here and the country. Rosa Caballero is our teacher and she is terrific, muy bueno.
Thank You
2 years ago
uh out for the's addictive!
Awesome! You guys looking like you hit the ground running :-) Look forward to the updates and pics. This will be a once in a lifetime experience -- enjoy it.
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