We took the train to Madrid Friday a.m. and came home Sunday p.m.. Dad left his hanging bag on the train! Therefore we got extra travel into Cadiz to pick it up. Never a dull moment with our family. Sooo it took us a little longer to get home but the trip was fabulous. We stayed at the US Embassy. Dad has all the connections. Way to go Dad! We attended the Navy League of Madrid's Navy Ball. Nate & Abi stayed at the Embassy and had french fries and pizza delivered. B and M met fabulous people and looked maaahvelous too. We saw the artwork in the Prado (picked up postcards for Masterpiece, game on), toured the Palace in Madrid (we are going to keep track of our palatial touring), rode the red bus (again) and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe of Madrid. The pulled pork sandwich was good for N, consensus was:food better in Madrid, rock memorabilia better in London. Although Michael Jackson's red shoes, size 9.5 were on the wall as well as John Lennon's beaded jacket. There was an hour wait for a table so Mom outwitted the line of patient people and snagged a table in the bar where we sat down right away! Mom rocks at the Hard Rock, ha! We saw the historical section and the modern sections of Madrid. It is amazing how these old cities blend all the architecture into neighborhoods. We had delicious ice cream Sat night after visiting and meeting new families. Everyone is so kind and generous in the network of military families abroad. It's worth the pains of leaving loved ones behind, at times. We were awed by the Palace, the views, the rooms and it's grounds. Hard to imagine living there. I believe it's larger than Buckingham Palace. The stone guard shack was a favorite of the kids, they are peeking out of it. There is art all over the city, buildings, fountains and statues galore. Christopher Colon's square was terrific with huge blocks of granite with the names of all the sailors listed. Bill had to read all the inscriptions in Spanish of course. The Plaza Mejor was beautiful and the artists painting in the square were so good, it was exciting to watch the paintings being painted. Abi wanted to buy the acrylic floral paintings we watched being painted. She was jumping up and down, with amazement as the artists painted. It's a joy to watch her excitement. We ate lunch at the Museo de Jamon in the plaza, B and N love their jamon. Men are so thrilled by simple things like jamon!!! Another trip accomplished with frustration, tiredness, map reading and great pleasure. Europe is still calling our names. Italy is our next stop.