Ok, so I was starting to settle in after vacationing with the entire family and then I went to Virginia to drop C off at VMI! Spent a few days in Charlottesville with M and C. Then M and I dropped off Clay. What a day!!! I'm so very proud of him and his choice for school. He was excited and M helped carry his stuff up to his 4th floor room. He has a turret room so there are 2 windows which should help keep them cooler. He is doing Cadre week and then Sept 7 M travels up to see the new class of 09+3 march at New Market. I'm so proud of both my college students and I miss them very very much. Now that I'm home in Spain, I'm continuing to unload boxes, organize, hang pictures (on brick walls), organize, unload boxes, oh and go to Navy events and meetings. Life never stops. Tomorrow is another day which God provides and I will try to be a blessing to all I come in contact or communicate with. He blesses me with new faces and friends in Spain. I cherish my dear friends and family who I don't get to see often. I count on emails, phone calls and letters to reach my states friends and family.
Thank You
2 years ago