N, A and I went to the Naples Divisional Swim Meet this weekend. We also drove past the Colosseo, Nate plugged it into our Tom-Tom and Tim led us straight there. The colosseum never ceases to be fantastic. We'll do the Rome trip another time. We had gelatos and bought water then off we went to Naples. 2 hours later and many driving experiences we arrived at the Naples Capo Inn Lodge, on a Navy base next to the Naples Airport. We checked in and were off for Pompei, pictures to be added when I get them. My camera went home with M (she used it for her Florence trip). Pompei is amazing! They were such an advanced and large city for that time period in Rome. The plaster casts of dogs, people and preserved buildings just leave you speechless. We ate at the little italian lunch place by the parking lot, cappuccinos were yummy. Nate has given up on spaghetti in Italy, my recipe rocks, thanks to Joanne. The A1 highway in Italy is smooth & fast, every lane has a different speed limit, lanes are just suggestions and high beams and horns are the cue to MOVE out of the way. We went to the Applebees at the Navy Support portion of the base, every night. We sometimes miss that American food. I had a salad both nights. N and his friend CB used the shuttle to get to the support base and meet up with some girls for NEX shopping and Valkyrie movie. A and N swam great! N improved his times on all 3 events. A came down with a high fever Sun night after the meet but recovered to get on the plane the next a.m.. We left Mon at 5 a.m. for the Fumicino Airport - gelatos and cappucino at the airport then flew home. It was a fun but quick trip. We learn more each travel experience.
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