Well, it was a stormy-rainy night but the trick or treaters were out in mass. Mostly Spanish came to our barricades at the top of the street. The Spanish just love our American candy. All 10 families gathered to hand out our candy together. We potlucked, 3 crock pots full of warm yummy dinner, and passed out el caramelo or la dulce. It was a great evening even with the rain. Fun is fun however it's wrapping. A, JF and KC were the 3 blind mice, I only have a picture of 2 blind mice. N was Marty McFly from Back to the Future, he's standing on his board. Dad even had someone dress up like him! Too funny. The quote of the evening "Como se dice 'beat it' in Spanish?" Guess who I'm quoting? (We had some very persistent trick or treaters not in costume.) A went to Jams for the party, after treating, until 10 pm. They line danced and played games. We hung out with our friends. Halloween fun in Espana.
Thank You
2 years ago
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